I chose to do a music video analysis of this song because I believe that the genre is close to that of the xx, whose song we are making our video to. I also chose this video because I believe that it is a great music video and that, as a group, we could take a lot of idea's from it.However, running at 8 minutes and 31 seconds, "I will Possess your heart" is more like a short film than a music video.
Type of Video: It is a performance/narrative music video.
Setting: The narrative features shots in several different locations around the world whereas the performance is located in a dark, wet and cold room.
Camerawork: In the narrative, the shots are mainly close-ups and midshots, however a few long shots are used also. In the performance, midshots are mainly used to show the band member with there instruments.
Lighting: In the narrative, it changes as the different locations of the woman are shown and in the performance, the lighting is mainly low key at the start but it slowly grows lighter as the video goes on and in the bridge of the song, the light is the brightest and is exaggerated post-production.
Main idea of the Video: A person's quest for the love a person who they cannot regularly see.
Editing: Straight cuts, growing slightly more rapid as the music builds up to build up the climax of the song.
Main characters: Band, Unnamed Woman (the love interest?)
I believe that the real brilliance behind this video is in the post-production stages, though the camerawork, lighting and other parts of production are good, the editing and lighting effects really help the video and the music blend together at the crescendo in the bridge and it is really effective.
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