Sunday, 13 February 2011

How our evaluation is coming along.

Well, as a team we've gone over our work in detail and scripted our evaluation so we will be able to talk fluidly when it comes to filming.
We're planning on stretching out a bit and seeing if we can use the green screen for this. This way we will have tested our abilities that little bit more an given ourselves an added experience.I'm filming our location shots today, so that it will be as if we are giving the audience a little tour backstage as we talk to them about our work and if all goes to plan we're going to film ourselves as a group with xx T-shirts on in the auditorium in front of the green screen.
But that's not all. Of course the audience needs to know what we're talking about when we give examples, so we'll ensure they can follow along by adding a little snippet of our music video, stills, photographs of us working on our media products etc etc as and when we talk about them, we're planning that they'll appear in the top right hand corner next to our heads, but we have got a lot cut out for us and that isn't really a priority, so we'll see how things go.
We're bound to run into problem areas, but just you know, this was our aim.

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