We have decided on the layout of the Maltese Cross. This allows me to play with 10 sides, including both the front and back. Here is the template of the Digipak.

The whole idea of the music video is that the band members, and narrative crew are finiding each other when searching their way through the three different locations, the dense forest, the woodland and finally reuniting at the lake. This idea I also want to carry on with the digipak layout. However I want to minus the narrative characters, as this Digipak is for promoting the band and their album, and not for their music video.
This idea of losing and finding each other is going to be a key aspect of this Digipak layout. My vision for the moment is that the Inside four sides of the Digipak will be of the first location, the dense woodland. The top flap will have one band member, for example the bass playing. Then, going clockwise on the flaps, a new member of the band is added to the image. The position of the band members in each slide will be the same, but a new member of the band would just be added to the image. The order of the band members added will be: the bass player, the guitarist, the female lead singer, and finally the male lead singer.
On the back of the Digipak, the four sides, minus the back cover, will be of a simular layout of the inside flaps, however, the only difference is that the band members will be in the second location, the woodland. The order of the band members appearance in the pictures will be the same as the inside flaps.
Finally the back cover will have on it an image of the band members at location three, the lake. The layout of the band members will be of a 'V' shape, with the male and female lead singers standing further away from the camera than the bass player and the guitarist.
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